Anti-Wrinkle Injections



Arguably the number one anti-aging cosmetic treatment, anti-wrinkle injections involve the administration of a modified form of a naturally occurring purified protein that relaxes wrinkle causing facial muscles, creating a smooth, rejuvenated and relaxed appearance.

Anti-wrinkle injections are effective, relatively affordable, and convenient, with little to no downtime. The treatment can be done efficiently with appointments generally taking 30 minutes or less, depending on whether it’s your first time.


Which Areas Can Be Treated?


There are many areas that may be treated with anti-wrinkle injections at The Beauty Collective.

Treatment areas include:

  • Frown Lines (Glabella)

  • Crows Feet (Smile lines around eyes)

  • Forehead lines (Frontalis)

  • Softening of neck bands (Platysma muscle bands)

  • Lipstick lines / Smokers lines (Vertical lines above the to lip)

  • Lip flip (To turn up the upper lip)

  • Bunny lines (Nose scrunch lines)

  • Gummy smile

  • Softening of hyperactive chin muscle (Mentalis muscle)

  • Mouth corner lift (DAO's)

  • Brow reshaping (Brow lift)

  • Facial slimming (By reducing the bulk of Masseter muscles- Teeth Grinding)

  • Treatment for Hyperhydrosis (Excessive sweating)


What Is The Process?

During your initial appointment you will speak with Danielle W RN and our doctor about your background and medical history. We will formulate a treatment plan for your wrinkles that may also include other modalities for optimum results.

The process is as follows:

  • Danielle W RN will map out the area to be treated by examining your ability to move certain facial muscles.

  • Ice packs may be used to numb the treatment area, however Danielle W RN is extremely gentle in her technique, so most people do not need numbing.

  • A number of small injections are made in an area targeted to the muscles which are causing your wrinkles, each to a specific depth and with a specific volume of product.

  • The procedure will take around 5 minutes.

  • You will be given some aftercare instructions to take home. Pease follow these carefully. You can also find these at the bottom of this page.


How Long Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Last?

Anti-wrinkle injections generally last from 3-4 months. To keep wrinkle lines at bay and skin smooth, it is recommended that you re-treat at this time. The general timeline for anti-wrinkle injections is as follows:

  • From 2-8 days you will start to see wrinkles reducing

  • At 2 weeks the maximal effect is achieved

  • From 2-8 weeks this result is maintained

  • At 8 weeks the effect will slowly begin to start wearing off

  • At 12 weeks, the movement is approximately 50% back

  • At 16 weeks, the movement is approximately 80% back

Results and longevity will differ from person to person. People with a higher muscle mass and those who exercise regularly, may need larger doses and more regular treatments. Many people find if they keep on top of their treatment plans, they will generally require a reduced dose as time goes by.


How Much Do Anti-Wrinkle Injections Cost?

At The Beauty Collective you only pay for what you specifically need, so we charge per unit, not per area. This is fairer to the client and also means you can work to your own individual budget. It also means you will receive the look you are wanting, ie. a natural softening of lines, or to stop movement completely.

Unfortunately due to Australian regulations we are not allowed to name the medications used to perform anti-wrinkle injections, however we do offer two choices:

Option A - $4.95 per unit

Option B - $14.95 per unit

As an example, for Option A (which is the most popular), an average cost for the frown lines (Glabella) is $247.50. The upper horizontal forehead lines (Frontalis) costs on average $99 - $148.50. The crows feet generally cost on average anywhere from $148.50 - $297. A brow lift only is $99.


Who Is Not Suitable?

Anti-wrinkle injections are not suitable for people who:

  • Have Myasthenia Gravis or Eaton Lambert Syndrome

  • Are hypersensitive / allergic to product ingredients, specifically BTX-A

  • Currently have an active infection in the area to be treated

  • Are currently pregnant or breastfeeding

If you are unsure, please contact us.


What To Know Before Your Treatment + Aftercare Instructions:

It is important to avoid alcohol, fish oil and painkillers for at least 3-4 days prior to and after treatment as they thin the blood and make you prone to bruising.

Common side effects include:

  • Minor red dots at the site of injection.

  • Mild tenderness / swelling / bruising around the site of injection.

  • You may experience a mild headache post treatment. Paracetamol (only) may be taken if required (as it does not lead to further bruising).

Taking care of your Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

  • Avoid touching / rubbing / putting pressure on the treated area/s for 24-48 hours post treatment. You may gently apply a clean ice pack should bruising or swelling occur. Be careful when cleansing and use gentle strokes.

  • Remain upright for 4 hours post treatment while injections settle.

  • Do not apply makeup / skincare for 6-8 hours post treatment.

  • Normal activities are fine, just avoid activities that raise your body temperature. No exercise for 24 hours post treatment (incl yoga, pilates, barre etc) while the injection is settling into the muscle.

  • Delay any facials, peels, eyebrow waxing, laser or invasive dermal treatments for 2 weeks post treatment. Should you get a massage, avoid putting any pressure on the treated areas for this 2 week period also.

At 8 weeks post treatment, you will notice movement starting to come back. At 12 weeks post treatment, most people have 50-80% of their movement back. We recommend re-treating at 12-14 weeks to keep wrinkles at bay. Wrinkles will diminish over time with consistent treatment.



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