Bio-Remodelling Injections



The first of its kind, Bio-Remodelling Injections are a new and revolutionary 'beneath the skin' filler. Made with patented NAHYCO® technology, this filler is made from a unique injectable gel which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the skin. When injected, it stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity whilst also improving and restoring firmness to the skin. 

Therefore this type of treatment is very different to previous fillers. There is no volumising, no shaping or contouring of the face. Instead, this type of treatment can be thought of as an injectable 'moisturiser' that helps improve the quality of the skin alone, to give patients a glowing and radiant appearance.


What Does Bio-Remodelling Mean?

In the past we've had fillers known as 'skin boosters' which provided short-term hydration to the skin. Bio-remodelling filler lasts longer than these but excitingly also has a much more profound effect on the skin itself. 

With bio-remodelling injection, four different types of collagen and elastin are stimulated, resulting in an improvement in the skin's overall architecture. Therefore not only does this new filler boost hydration of the skin, but it also improves to main signs of skin ageing - laxity and a loss of skin firmness.

The research that is ongoing has also indicated that this new injectable has some unexpected and exciting additional qualities. It has also been shown to influence the muscle cells, fat cells and even the bone layer of the face - together in effect slowing down the ageing process even further. 

This is what differentiates it from all other skin fillers and what is meant by 'bio-remodelling'. It truly is a ground-breaking treatment in the injectable arena.


Which Areas Can Be Treated?

The areas that may be treated with Bio-Remodelling injections at The Beauty Collective include:

  • Face

  • Neck (Expected to be approved in Australia soon)

  • Decollatage (Expected to be approved in Australia soon)

  • Hands (Expected to be approved in Australia soon)


What Is The Process?

During your initial appointment you will speak with Danielle W RN and our doctor about your background and medical history. We will formulate a treatment plan for your concerns that may also include other modalities for optimum results.

The process is as follows:

  • Danielle W RN will map out the area to be treated by examining areas where volume has been lost.

  • Ice packs may be used to numb the treatment area, however Danielle W RN is extremely gentle in her technique, so most people do not need numbing.

  • 1st Treatment: 1ml of bio-remodelling product is injected each side of the face (Therefore you get 2ml of product per session).

  • 2nd Treatment: Four weeks later, we will do a repeat treatment session using exactly the same protocol: 1ml per side (so 2ml in total per area).

  • The procedure will take around 45 minutes.

  • You will be given some aftercare instructions to take home. Pease follow these carefully. You can also find these at the bottom of this page.

MAINTENANCE: For continued results, one off treatments every 6 months are recommended. If your skin is dehydrated, crepey or sun damaged skin, you will benefit from more frequent sessions.


How Long Do Bi-Remodelling Injections Last?

Bio-Remodelling generally last anywhere from 6-9 months depending on the product used and also on how the patient metabolises this product. To keep your face looking fresh and skin smooth, it is recommended that after your initial treatment, you re-treat approximately 4 weeks afterwards, with bi-annual treatments thereafter.

Results and longevity will differ from person to person. As mentioned above, those with sun damaged, crepey or dehydrated skin may also require more frequent treatments. Many people find if they keep on top of their treatment plans, they will generally require a reduced dose as time goes by.


How Much Do Bio-Remodelling Injections Cost?

At The Beauty Collective we offer only the best products.

Unfortunately due to Australian regulations we are not allowed to name the medications used to perform Bio-Remodelling Injections, though this may be discussed in person. Prices are as follows:

  • 1 treatment (2mls) = $900

  • 2 treatments prepaid (4mls) = $1700


Who Is Not Suitable?

Bio-remodelling injections are not suitable for people who:

  • Have Myasthenia Gravis or Eaton Lambert Syndrome

  • Are hypersensitive / allergic to product ingredients

  • Currently have an active infection in the area to be treated

  • Have dental work planned for 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks post treatment

  • Are currently pregnant or breastfeeding

If you are unsure, please contact us.


What To Know Before Your Treatment + Aftercare Instructions:

Final result from Bio-Remodelling Injections will be evident at 4 weeks post treatment. It is very important to follow the below instructions and take your aftercare seriously. Please avoid alcohol, fish oil and painkillers (ibuprofen, ie Nurofen - however Panadol is fine) for at least 3-4 days prior to and after treatment as they thin the blood and make you prone to bruising. Some vitamins and supplements may also act as a blood thinner so check what you are taking with your Dr and avoid them for a few days prior to your treatment if possible.Common side effects include:

  • Red puncture marks at the site of injection.

  • Initial asymmetry due to immediate swelling.

  • Lumps and bumps.

  • Some discomfort especially when expressing - smiling, etc.

  • Tenderness / swelling / bruising around the site of injection. Paracetamol (only) may be taken if required (as it does not lead to further bruising). It is common for pain to be mild / moderate initially.

Taking care of your Bio-Remodelling Injections:

  • Avoid touching / rubbing / putting pressure on the treated area/s for 24-48 hours post treatment. You may gently apply a clean ice pack should bruising or swelling occur. Be careful when cleansing and use gentle strokes.

  • Do not use AHA, Retinol's, Vitamin C or oil based makeup for 24 hours.

  • Avoid placing any pressure on treated areas for the first few nights (i.e. Sleep on your back if possible).

  • Do not expose area to intense heat (eg Solarium, sauna, sun-baking etc).

  • Normal activities are fine, just avoid activities that raise your body temperature. No exercise for 24 hours post treatment (incl yoga, pilates, barre etc).

  • Delay any facials, peels, eyebrow waxing, laser or invasive dermal treatments for 2 weeks post treatment. Should you get a massage, avoid putting any pressure on the treated areas for this 2 week period also.


What To Expect Straight Afterwards:

The thought of your first treatment may be daunting, however it is important to remember you are having a medical treatment and there is a healing process involved. Here is what to expect:

  • The first few days will be a bit uncomfortable so don't worry if you're feeling a bit sore. It might hurt to smile, eat, or if you touch your face. This is very typical for up to a week or so after a filler treatment (you can take Panadol if you like).

  • Patients new to injectable treatments often worry about the 'lumps' that they can feel after a fresh treatment. This is normal and you'll definitely be able to feel the outline of some of the fresh filler under the skin for a few weeks until it integrates properly.

  • It is not uncommon to have some small bruises at the needle sites. This can easily happen whenever a needle is used to inject the face or anywhere else on the body. Everyone bruises differently, taking from just a few days to a full 2-3 weeks to disappear. Makeup is fine to use if you want to hide a bruise however you must wait until the day after your filler treatment to reduce the risk of infection.

  • For common bruising we recommend using Arnica or Hirudoid cream (available from your pharmacist). You may also ice the area frequently for the first 24 hours with a clean ice pack.

  • Don't worry if things don't look 'perfect' straight away. There is a process that the skin will go through whilst the Bio-Remodelling Injections take effect and this takes time.

Final result from Bio-Remodelling Injections will be evident at 4 weeks post treatment.


Possible Complications:

As with any treatment, possible complications can occur and there are always risks involved. These will be covered off with you during your consultation with Danielle W RN and our Doctor during the scripting process prior to your treatment. We advise you educate yourself also on these risks and possible complications:

These include vascular occlusion, (where blood flow is compromised), and infection. Signs to watch for are any area of skin on the face that turns white or blotchy with poor capillary refill, skin that develops a mottled (fishnet stocking-like) pattern, discolouration, or blisters. Please note; this does not have to be the area that was treated. Pain is usually associated with vascular occlusion also.

Early infections may occur a few days following treatment. If you feel pain, notice increased redness, tenderness, swelling, heat, nodules or pus, these may be signs of early infection. Do not delay if you notice any of the above.

We care deeply about our patients health and we are here to provide the care and necessary services to ensure each patient is treated appropriately. If you need emergency assistance, always call a doctor or 000 immediately.

Have a query, concern, or question after your treatment? Contact us anytime:

Call or text: 0421 717 028 (available 24/7) or (02) 9145 9045 (office hours)


Instagram: @daniellewcosmeticnurse

Final results are achieved 4 weeks post treatment. We recommend re-treating any time between 1-3 months after your initial treatment. Once peak outcome has been achieved, maintenance injections are recommended twice per year.



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